RAD Graded Exams May 2025

RAD Ballet Exams

Saturday 10 & Sunday 11 May

at Danz Royal Studios
Wijngaardstraat 10, 3080 Tervuren

This year's Royal Academy of Dance ballet examinations are scheduled for 2 days in May on Saturday 10 and Sunday 11. They will be held at our dance studios in Tervuren.

There will be pre-exam practice classes for all participating students before the actual exams towards the end of March, late April and early May (on Sundays and the final week before the actual exams).

Exam Schedule

Colours & Numbers

The background colour in the tables below indicate the ribbon colour that each student will wear for the actual examination (pink, blue, white or yellow) together with a number, which is pinned to the front and back of each candidate’s leotard as a means of identification.

Exam Times

Please ensure that you arrive at least one hour before the start of your exam in order to have enough time to get ready.

The exam schedule will be published here once it has been finalised.

Pre-Exam Practice Classes

Details of the pre-exam class schedule will be available soon. However we have tentatively scheduled the following dates:

  • Sunday 23 March
  • Sunday 30 March
  • Sunday 27 April
  • Sunday 4 May

We also have the following days in the week before the exams that can be used for any additional practice sessions plus the public holiday at the beginning of May:

  • Thursday 1 May — all day
  • Monday 5 May — evening
  • Tuesday 6 May — evening
  • Wednesday 7 May — afternoon & evening

Last updated Monday 27 January 2025